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What And How To Shop During Pregnancy

Congratulations – you’re having a baby! This article will help you figure out what to buy during these early weeks . And don’t forget to read what to shop for your second-trimester and third-trimester when it’s time.

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1. Pregnancy Books

This is the right time to build up a library, get books and have a full knowledge of this beautiful phase of your life. Start with basics and classics, like The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy, by Vicki Iovine,

2. Body pillow

Some pregnant women say their number one favorite purchase is their body pillow. Even this early, you may get uncomfortable easily, and a body pillow may help you get a better night’s sleep.

3. Tooth brush And Dental Floss

 Preventing periodontal disease is vital for pregnant women, so buy yourself a nice new, soft-bristled toothbrush and some dental floss on Fufatrade and use them every day to keep your mouth fresh and healthy. Your mouth may be drier, your gums more sensitive – and you’re more susceptible to gingivitis now.

4. Waistband extender

It is okay to experience your pants nit fitting anymore, even when your belly may not be visibly round yet. A new pair of pants with a bit of Lycra stretch might round out your wardrobe perfectly.

If you don’t want to start buying new clothes just yet, try a waistband extender such as the Belly Belt or Bella Band. Keeping comfy is your new mission, and it’s more important than you may think: Some women report that a looser waistband helps with morning sickness. Check out our article on dressing for your trimester for more great tips.

5. Comfortable cotton bra

Your breasts are probably feeling more tender now. And while you may not be ready for a maternity bra, a sports bra or comfortable cotton bra without underwire will give you gentle support and ease discomfort.

6. Body lotion

Your skin may start feeling drier, especially on your belly as it grows and your skin stretches. Find a good all-over moisturizer that you can slather on now and throughout your pregnancy. To discover other products you might need, see our handy pregnancy medicine cabinet checklist.

Pregnancy journal

You’ve just begun an incredible journey. How are you feeling? What are you thinking? Jot down your emotions, thoughts, or questions in a pregnancy journal. It can help you feel connected to the little person growing inside you and will be a one-of-a-kind keepsake after your baby is born.

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Samuel future is a content writer with an English and literature background. Spurred by the desire to inspire young professionals, He started an online community where he shares relevant information aimed at building, empowering, inspiring, supporting and promoting employees to thrive in their careers.

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